Don't Stress It (Bible Study)
Worry is to be uneasy in the mind, to feel anxiety about something, to fret. Interestingly, it comes from an Old English word that means...
Messy Relationships
There will always be red-flags and warnings in the beginning that we can either heed or bypass. Samson’s warnings came over time...
Generational Consequences (2 Samuel 18)
Absalom was noted for his good looks and his luxurious hair. What was his glory was now his curse - and his mule left him hanging......
Should our Sister be treated as a harlot? (1/30/18)
Pastor young explores Domestic Violence, abuse, and rape #biblestudy
Handling Things God's Way
Some days, no matter how carefully we plan and orchestrate life events, things just have a way of going wrong. Learn why and how to get...
Do You Know My Story? 2 Samuel 4
Everyone has a story. Whether good bad, pleasant or ugly... We all have one. Pastor Young explores the stories of Rizpah, Ish-Bosheth,...
Building Momentum for the New Year
What does it take to start your year off on the right track? Trust the Source 2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter 1:20-21, Matthew 7:24-25 The Source...